Integrating with Citrix-Published Applications

The SecureLogin ProLauncher.Exe utility starts the SecureLogin components (combroker.exe and proto.exe) and then launches the desired published application with single sign-on support. To launch ProLauncher.Exe if you are using Citrix-published applications, you must modify the command line for each published application.

When the application is closed, ProLauncher terminates the proto.exe or combroker.exe session. That way, these utilities don't leave the Citrix session connected.

ProLauncher must be used with any published applications running on the Citrix server. If ProLauncher is not found within the server's path environment variable, you must include the full path to ProLauncher. For example, replace the command line of the published application as follows:

Before After

C:\Progra~1\Protocom\SecureLogin\tlaunch.exe /q /auto /eWallData Rumba /pProtocomMainframe

ProLauncher.exe C:\Progra~1\Protocom\
SecureLogin\tlaunch.exe /q /auto /e "WallData Rumba" /pProtocomMainframe

Using ProLauncher Syntax

To run ProLauncher, use the following syntax:

ProLauncher [Optional Parameters] executable to run [optional executable's parameters]

IMPORTANT:  If your executable contains a path or command line parameters that include spaces, be sure to embed them in quotes. Even if your application normally accepts the parameters with spaces, ProLauncher will interpret them as separate parameters, and unexpected results may occur.

ProLauncher includes two command line parameters that control its behavior:

Parameter Explanation

/w <exename>

Specifies another process to wait for before closing SecureLogin.


  • ProLauncher.exe /w rumbadsp.exe C:\Progra~1\Protocom\SecureLogin\tlaunch.exe /q /auto /e"WallData Rumba" /pProtocomMainframe
  • ProLauncher.exe /w mspaint.exe run_MSPaint.CMD


Debug option. This generates a debug log file (c:\prolauncher.log) and shows dialog boxes during the progress of ProLauncher. The switch must appear before the executable to run.


  • ProLauncher.exe /w rumbadsp.exe /d C:\Progra~1\Protocom\SecureLogin\tlaunch.exe /q /auto /e "WallData Rumba" /pProtocomMainframe
  • ProLauncher.exe /w /d mspaint.exe run_MSPaint.CMD