Nsure SecureLogin 3.51.1 User Guide

The purpose of this User Guide is to help you automatically log in to Windows*, Web, and Java* applications that require login credentials, such as your username and password.

This Guide assumes that SecureLogin is already installed on your workstation. If it isn't installed, see the Nsure SecureLogin 3.51.1 Installation Guide.

To find out how Novell® SecureLogin can help you, see Overview.

To launch or run SecureLogin, see Accessing SecureLogin.

To set up an application so that SecureLogin automatically logs you in to it, see Automatically Logging In to Applications

To create a set of credentials to log you in to an application, see User IDs.

To change SecureLogin settings, see Changing Settings.

Additional Documentation

This User Guide is part of a documentation set for SecureLogin 3.51.1. You can find additional information in the following:

Documentation Updates

For the most recent version of the Nsure SecureLogin 3.51.1 User Guide, see SecureLogin at the Novell Documentation Web page.

Documentation Conventions

In this documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and items within a cross-reference path.

A trademark symbol (®,TM, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party trademark.