Advanced Windows Scripting

Advanced Windows Scripting (AWS) is an extension to the single sign-on scripting language. AWS enables arbitrary Windows messages to trigger scripts. In earlier versions of SecureLogin, a script written for an application was triggered when (and only when) the application sent a WM-CREATE message. AWS provides Event, which is a single new specifier.

The Event command takes exactly one parameter, which is the Windows event that triggers execution of the controlled block. The following script illustrates this block:

## BeginSection: "Global Script Configuration" 
## EndSection: "Global Script Configuration"
## BeginSection: "Login Window"
Class "#32770"
Title "Novell iFolder Login"
Ctrl #1
Ctrl #1092
ReadText #1092 ?Message
If ?Message eq "Place a shortcut to the iFolder on the desktop"
If ?Failure eq 1
Set ?Failure <notset>
Setprompt "Username:"
Type $Username #1007
Setprompt "Password:"
Type $Password #1079
Setprompt "iFolder Server Name:"
Type $Optional #1001
Click #1
Setprompt "Enter your iFolder account information."
## EndSection: "Login Window" Dialog
Title "Novell iFolder Login"
Title "Novell iFolder"
Ctrl #2
Readtext #65535 ?ErrorMessage
If ?ErrorMessage eq "You must enter a server address."
Click #2
Set ?Failure 1

Advanced Windows Scripting meets two requirements:

With AWS, SecureLogin can enable additional applications. Also, scripts no longer need to be Startup scripts so that all the applications launch. The applications can start at any time.

To use AWS, edit the application scripts by adding events. For a list of events and other information on AWS, see Event.

Frame Support

In earlier versions, Web pages were scripted as whole pages, and SecureLogin couldn't distinguish between frames within the Web page. The Advanced Web scripting feature enables you to script for a particular frame within a Web page.

Scenario: Second Set of Fields. A Web page has three frames in it. Two of these frames have username and password fields. Previous versions of NSL would probably have entered the username and password into the first set of fields. With SecureLogin 3.51.2, you can populate a particular frame by naming the SecureLogin application the URL of that particular frame.

To find the URL of the frame, right-click the frame and select Properties. The next time that you navigate to the Web page that contains that frame, the credentials are automatically populated into that frame.

You can usually get the address of the frame by right-clicking in the frame and selecting Properties.