9.0 Reauthenticating Applications

Advanced authentication allows you to reauthenticate an application against an AA device where SecureLogin is used in conjunction with SLAA or NovellĀ® NMAS infrastructure. If you have SLAA or NMAS in place against an application, then do the following:

NOTE:For environments that use NMAS infrastructure, you may add the NMAS method into the Reauthentication Method value field by entering a free text string provided by Novell.

  1. Access the Administrative Management Utility of SecureLogin.

    For more information on how to access the Administrative Management Utility see, Section 1.2, Administrative Management Utility.

  2. Click Applications. The Application pane is displayed.

  3. Double-click the application that you want to use for reauthentication.

  4. Click the Settings tab. The Settings Properties Table is displayed.

  5. Set the value for Prompt for device reauthentication for this application to Yes.

  6. Select the device that you will use for reauthentication from the Reauthentication Method drop-down list. Click Any if you want the user to choose from any of the available methods.

    NOTE:This option is not available through the iManager SSO plug-in