17.5 Creating a Windows Event Log Alert

The following procedure uses the Windows Notepad application as an example.

  1. In the notification area, double-click to open the Personal Management utility.

  2. Click Applications.

  3. In the right pane, double-click the application description (in this example, Untitled-Notepad). The Application Pane is displayed.

  4. Click the Definition tab. The application definition editor is displayed.

  5. The command syntax to execute LogEvent.exe is:

    logevent -m \\computername-s severity-c categorynumber-r source-e eventID-t timeout"event text"

    Definitions of the command parameters and event IDs are also available on the Microsoft Web site.

  6. After EndDialog, specify the LogEvent command for the required alert.

    For example:

    Run “C:\Program Files\Resource Kit\LogEvent.exe –m SecureLogin –s –e 99“Notepad has started”

    This command requests an alert to be sent to the console with a security level of W – warning and event ID number 99.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Start Notepad. The alert is sent to the Windows Event Log system.