AMIE Customized Mapping

The customized mapping functionality provides the Administrator with greater control over the Item Types and Categories information accessed during the Item import process. It allows the Administrator to customize queries by defining parameters for importing Items.


Export Configuration

Prior to importing Items, to define the parameters of the Items to be imported, the Item parameters must be exported to a file. To export the parameters file:

  1. Log in as an Administrator

  2. Select Setup > Item Import > Customize


  3. From the Mapping Operation drop-down list, select Export Configuration

  4. Select the Server Type for the configuration export

  5. Click Export.
    An .xml file is produced.


Customizing the XML File

To customize the Item import, the above exported configuration file will need to be modified. To modify the file:

  1. In the text editor of your choice, open the XML file

  2. Modify the properties as required.
    The example below explains how the Centennial 2006 6.1 configuration can be customized.


Server Type Identifier

The first line within the XML file displays the following three fields:

<IMPORT_DEFN SERVER="Centennial" VERSION="2006 6.1" AUTHOR="LiveTime Software Inc.">

They identify an entry for an Asset Management Server type. By modifying these fields, we can effectively create another configuration for Centennial 2006 6.1, for example:


<IMPORT_DEFN SERVER="Centennial" VERSION="2006 6.1 (Bob's Config)" AUTHOR="Bob">

This newly configured name will be the Server Type listed as an option when setting up AMIE.


Item Categories

The configuration mapping file is divided into "blocks" of Item Categories. In each block, we define a number of instructions to execute during AMIE's import process.

For example:

<ITEM CATEGORY="Hardware" ID_KEY_FORMAT="Client.Client">


"ITEM CATEGORY" instructs AMIE to import all items within the defined XML block, as generic “Hardware”. If we wanted to be more specific about our import for Hardware, we could break this down into sub-categories, for example: “Computer”, “Printer”, and “Network Peripheral”.

Assuming the selected Asset Management Server supports the inventory control of these individual categories, defining an XML block for each category would allow the Administrator to import each Hardware Item as a “Computer, “Printer” or “Network Peripheral”.


The ”r;ID_KEY_FORMAT” attribute is simply used to illustrate the format of the primary key field for this category in the Asset Management database . In the example, “Client.Client” says that the “Client” column of the “Client” table will contain the primary key for our Hardware.


Item Properties

Item Properties are typically the fields used to describe the Item Details, such as “CPU”, “RAM”, “Serial Number” etc. The instructions to retrieve property data are defined in the "<QUERY ...>" and "<ITEM_PROPERTY ...>" elements.

"<QUERY >" Element :

Define the 'Query' property to locate the table data.


For example, the query below will retrieve the 'CPU' data for Hardware . The Query Name (cpu) is used to reference the property field as described later.

<QUERY NAME="cpu">SELECT cpu FROM com.livetime.assetimport.Hardware cpu WHERE cpu.propClient = :ASSETID and cpu.propHardwareType = 4</QUERY>


"<ITEM_PROPERTY>" Element:

Define the 'Item Property' to extract column data for the above Query.

Each of these entries maps an Item property, from the Asset Management Server to the service management system. For example, the value in the CPU field of the Asset Management Server will be mapped to the CPU field of the application database.



Below is an explanation for each of these attributes:





This is the name of the field that exists in the system database. The field "field1" for the "Hardware" Item Category maps to the "CPU" field.

For a current Entity- Relationship Diagram that includes these database fields, please contact your local support contact.



This will prefix the actual value returned from the Asset Management Server database.


This value can either be a hard-coded value, or a value the Administrator wants to import from the Asset Management Server database (see: TYPE attribute below)

For the latter, we define a string using the notation, which will reference the actual value in the database.

In our example, our VALUE attribute is "cpu.propAsize".

  • "cpu" - the query name where our results are contained, the "Hardware" table.

  • "propAsize" - the property name, where the actual cpu value is stored, the "SIZE" column.

In most cases, the property name is identical to the database column name, with the first letter capitalized followed by lower-case. Property names are always pre-appended with the word “prop”, to ensure uniqueness in the import process.

Take this into consideration when defining custom properties.



This will suffix the actual value returned from the Asset Management Server database. In our example, we set it to "Mhz", as it is the CPU field.

Suffixing "Mhz" in this case gives the imported value more meaning.



"LOOKUP" - retrieves the data from the VALUE attribute as specified using the notation.

"QUOTED" - treats the VALUE attribute as a hard-coded value.



Item Relationships

When defining multiple Item Category types to import, for example Hardware and Software, an Administrator can specify how they are related. Configuring these properties will allow Items to be imported with predefined relationships.


In this example, the Centennial 2006 6.1 Software Relationship block is as follows:

<RELATIONSHIP RELATED_TO="Hardware" TO="is a parent of" NAME="Parent of / Child of" FROM="is a child of" CLASS="1000" INHERIT_OWNERSHIP="1">

<NATIVE_ID_QUERY>SELECT computer.client FROM com.livetime.assetimport.Client computer WHERE computer.propAddress is not null and computer.client :SW_ASSETID.0</NATIVE_ID_QUERY>


This "Parent of / Child of" relationship already exists as one of the factory supplied relationship types. However any newly defined relationships can be mapped and created as part of the import process.

The attributes and child elements are explained as follows:





The Item Category another Item Category can relate to. For example "Software" is to be related to "Hardware".



A label describing the relationship from the parent to the child.

For example: [Hardware] is a parent of [Software]


The name of the relationship.



A label describing the relationship from the child to the parent.

For example: [Software] is a child of [Hardware]



"1000" - Hierarchical-based relationship.

"2000" - Connection-based relationship.



"1" - Propagates ownership data (customer and organizational unit) from each parent Itemto all of its children.

"0" - Relationship does not inherit parent ownership data.


Upload / Edit  the XML Configuration

Once the XML has been customized it needs to be imported back into the system to enable the application to import Items using the new specifications.


To import the XML:

  1. Log in as an Administrator

  2. Select Setup > Item Import > Customize

  3. From the Mapping Operation drop-down list, select Upload/Edit Configuration


  4. Select [New Configuration] in the Type list

  5. Click New

  6. Select Choose File

  7. Search and upload the XML file


  8. Enter Connection Default values for the database type, name, username, password, schema and catalog, if necessary  
    These will be the pre-set values when selecting and mapping the new Server Type.

  9. Click Import button to import the XML file
    When the import is complete, the new configuration file will appear as a new Server Type.

  10. The Server Connection Details can be modified or updated by clicking Edit and making the required changes

  11. Click Save.


Using the customized Server Type

Once a new Server configuration has been imported into the system, it can be selected as an option when configuring AMIE in the Setup tab.

To use the new Server Type:

  1. Log in as an Administrator

  2. Select Setup > Item Import > Setup

  3. Select the System Type as Database Mapping (AMIE)

  4. From the Server Type list select the customized server


  5. Configure the database connect, ownership and synchronization period

  6. Click Test to confirm the connection then Save when complete.


For more information on importing Items via AMIE, see: Importing Items Using Database Mapping.