3.3 Setting up a Secure Channel Between the Client and the SSPR portal (Optional)

Since SSPR is a web based application, it can be accessed with Internet Explorer or Firefox using http. However, you can also access SSPR using https. To set up a secure channel between the browser and application (https):

  1. Create a self signed certificate in the cacerts store. In the command line goto %JAVA_HOME%\bin\ folder and execute the following command:

    keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore ../<jre6>/lib/security/cacerts
  2. Enter keystore paasword as changeit.

  3. In the <Tomcat_Home>/Conf folder, modify the server.xml file to support https.

    • Uncomment https connection and comment out http connection.

    • When you uncomment https connection, add one more attribute value called keystoreFile="${java.home}/lib/security/cacerts" keystorePass="changeit"

  4. Restart Tomcat.