Launch the SQL Server Express installation file.
On the SQL Server Installation Center page, click Installation.
Select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.
In the License Terms page, accept the license terms and click Next.
In the Product Updates page, click Next.
On the Feature Selection page, select the appropriate instance features and the location for the instance data, then click Next.
In the Instance Configuration page, specify a named instance and click Next.
In the Server Configuration page, click the Collation tab.
Click Customize.
Click the Windows collation designator and sort order option.
From the Collation designator drop-down menu, select an acceptable collation and settings for your locale.
For example, in North America, an acceptable collation would be Latin1_General_100 with the Accent-sensitive check box selected.
We recommend that you select a collation that aligns with the Windows locale of the server where the NSM Engine is installed.For more information on collation and locales, refer to this Microsoft document:
Click OK.
Click Next.
Select the Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication) option, enter and confirm a SQL Server administrator password, then click Next.
In the Error Reporting page, click Next.
In the Complete page, click Close.
Launch SQL Server Configuration Manager.
In the left pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration.
Click Protocols for SQLEXPRESS.
In the right pane, right-click TCP/IP and select Enable.
In the warning dialog box, click OK.
Right-click TCP/IP again and select Properties.
In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the IP Addresses tab.
Select TCP Dynamic Ports and clear the field so there is no number associated to it.
Select TCP Port and enter 1433.
Click Apply.
When the warning dialog box appears, click OK.
Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties page.
In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, click SQL Server Services.
Right-click SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) and select Restart.