A.0 Sizing and Performance Considerations

Because of the wide variety of ways you can use Vibe, the recommendations given in this section are only guidelines.

The hardware configuration that you set up for your OpenText Vibe site should be based on the following considerations:

  • Number of active users that the Vibe site must support: Users who have accounts in the Vibe system but do not log in to the system should not be considered in this number. For example, if there are 1,000 users in the Vibe system but only 300 access the system on a regular basis, the number of active users is 300.

  • Content the users will add: The type of content that is shared and stored on your Vibe site. The number of active users in the system is a good indicator of what the hardware configuration of your system should be, but you should also keep in mind that the type of content that is shared and stored on your Vibe site has a significant effect on the amount of disk space and memory that is required.

    For example, your users might add the following types of content:

    • Multimedia documents, such as CAD and PowerPoint documents (requires the most system resources)

    • Other documents, such as text documents and photos

    • Vibe entries that do not contain attachments, such as blog entries and discussion entries (requires the least amount of system resources)

For example, if you have a Vibe installation with only 400 active users, but those users often upload and share CAD files, you might want to configure a dedicated SQL server where those files can be stored. In addition, provide a larger CPU, increased memory, and a larger Java heap to more efficiently upload and search for the files.

Server machines can be physical or virtual.