Using Red Carpet with Remote Systems

Ximian Red Carpet may be used with remote systems running the Red Carpet Daemon, rcd. You will need to have an account with the daemon on the remote system.

To add an rcd account on the remote system, you must log in to that system as root, and use the rug user-add -U username -P password command. Then, you may administer the system without logging in as root.

To connect to a remote system, do the following:

  1. Select File > Connect.

  2. Click the Connect to a remote daemon button.

  3. Enter the hostname and, if necessary, port for connection to the remote system.

  4. Enter your user name and password.

  5. Click the Connect button.

Once you are connected you can view and administer the system as you would a local one, in accordance with the privileges granted to your account.

You can also use the rug command to administer a remote system. For information on the command line Red Carpet tools, use the man rug command.