Email Notification

In conjunction with using stages, you can set up e-mail notifications for when each stage has completed. When you are deploying an update and manually starting each stage, you can specify to use the e-mail notifications.

Staging must be used to receive notifications, and the stage behavior must be set to one of the following:

SMTP must be configured in order for the staging e-mail configuration to work.

To set up e-mail notification:

  1. (Conditional) To configure SMTP, do the following:

    1. To access the SMTP Settings page, click Configuration in the left pane, click the arrows in the Management Zone Settings heading to expand its options, click Event and Messaging, then select SMTP Settings.

    2. In the E-mail Notification section, fill in the fields:

      SMTP Server Address: DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server.

      SMTP Port: The SMTP server’s communication port.

      SMTP Server Requires Authentication: If authentication is required, select this check box, then specify the User and Password field information.

    3. Click OK to save the changes.

    4. To return to the System Update Settings page, click Configuration in the left pane, click the arrows in the Management Zone Settings heading to expand its options, click Infrastructure Management, then select System Update Settings.

  2. In the E‑mail Notification section, fill in the fields:

    From: Either specify your administrator e‑mail address, or type something like System-Update-Stage-Notice. Do not use spaces between words.

    To: Specify your administrator e‑mail address.

    This is the person you want to be notified when the stage ends.

  3. (Conditional) If you need to revert to the last saved E-mail Notification information, click Reset.

    This resets all data to the last saved state, such as when you last clicked Apply or OK.

  4. Click Apply to make the changes effective.

    IMPORTANT:Previous settings cannot be restored after clicking Apply.

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