E.2 March 30, 2010: SP3 (10.3)

Updates were made to the following sections:



Section 1.3, IP Discovery Technologies

Updated the section to provide additional information on the NMAP discovery technology.

Section 3.0, Discovering Devices in LDAP Directories

Updated the section and reorganized the wizard information table.

Section 10.1, Coexisting with the ZENworks Desktop Management Agent

Added information about ZENworks 10 coexistence with other ZENworks products.

Section 10.4.1, Prerequisites for Deploying to a Device

Updated the section to provide information on Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7.

Section 10.4.3, Deploying to a Non-Discovered Device

Updated the section and reorganized the wizard information table.

Section D.0, Troubleshooting Discovery, Deployment, and Retirement

Added the troubleshooting scenario The device that has the ZENworks Adaptive Agent installed is not registered in the Management Zone.