Viewing the Status of the Last Scan in the Workstation Scan Log

The Workstation Scan log reports the status of the latest scan done at the workstations associated with the selected Container. For example, you view the Workstation Scan log to determine whether the latest scans were successful for the workstations or whether the Storer has stored the workstation .STR files in the database. The inventory components (Scanner and Storer) write the scan information in the Status log.

You can also choose whether to display error, warning, and informational status messages of the workstations.

The following table lists the details of the log:

Status Information Details

Scanned Workstation Name

Displays the DN of the workstation.

Time of Scan

Displays the date and time the status was logged.

Message Type

Displays the severity of the message.


Displays the message reported by the inventory components while scanning the workstation or storing the inventory information in the database.

For more information, see Workstation Inventory Error Messages in Error Messages.

You can export the file as a .CSV or TAB-delimited file.

NOTE:  If the scan is disabled in the Inventory policy, the Scanner does not log any status messages in the Status Report log.

To view the Workstation Scan log window:

  1. In ConsoleOne, click the container > Tools > Workstation Scan Log.

  2. Click the message severity type > OK.

When the Scanner creates a .STR file of a workstation and the Selector processes this file, the inventory components also log the status of the scanning in the Workstation Status log. It is possible that at the same time, the Storer is processing the .STR files of another workstation. Meanwhile, the Scanner continues scanning and updates the Workstation Status log for the next scan. The Selector merges the .STR files of the previous scan and the current scan. In this scenario, the Storer processes the merged .STR files and updates the Workstation Scan log for the corresponding last scan.