Running an Application on the Managed Workstation

You can remotely run executables on the managed workstation using the Remote Execute feature of ZfD. For more information, see Understanding Remote Execute .

To execute an application program on a managed workstation:

  1. Right-click the managed workstation from the management console.

  2. Click Actions > Remote Execute.

  3. Enter the command line in the Remote Execute window.

    Specify the complete path of the application if the application is not in the path of the managed workstation.

    If you do not specify the extension of the file you want to execute at the managed workstation, Remote Execute will append the .EXE extension.

  4. Click Execute.

Enter the name of the application or the parameter within double quotes if the application or parameter has a space character. Following are a few examples:

"My Wordpad"

"C:\Program Files\Accessories\My Wordpad"

"C:\Program Files\Accessories\MyWordpad" "C:\myfile.txt"

"C:\Program Files\Accessories\My Wordpad" C:\myfile.txt
