1116: Parameters parameters_list are not set in the file filename.

Source:  Data Export Program on Remote Server

Severity:  Critical

Possible Cause:  In the .EXP file, one or more of the following values for the attributes is missing:

  1. Database vendor name (DBVendor=dbvendor_name)
  2. IP address of the server on which the database is running (DBIPAddress=database_server_ip_address)
  3. Port number of the database (DBPort=port_number)
  4. Name of the corresponding .CFG file (DECfgFile=filename)

Explanation:  The .EXP file should contain the following attributes:

These values are required to connect to the database and to export the attributes in the corresponding .CFG file.

Action:  Ensure that these values are assigned correctly. Otherwise, from ConsoleOne, run the Data Export tool. Ensure that the data configuration files (.CFG and .EXP) are not corrupted or manually edited. On the server, run the Data Export program.

  Previous Page: 1113: Input-output error occurred while opening the file filename in the Write mode.  Next Page: 1117: Unable to accept the DBUsername and DBPassword due to an input-output error.