
Defines a parameter space to be used by the scheduler to create a joblet set. A parameter space may consist of rows of columns or a list of columns that is expanded and can be turned into a cross product. Use appendRow to create a rowMajor parameter space or appendCol to define a column expansion. You cannot use both appendRow() and appendCol() in the same ParameterSpace. Once the scheduler defines a slice of the parameter space for a given joblet, the scheduler creates JobletParameterSpace instances for each joblet. This slice of the parameter space is delivered to the resource.


ParameterSpace(): Constructs an instance of ParameterSpace.



appendDimension(String name, org.python.core.PyObject sequence)

Append a definition for elements of a column. When more than one dimension is defined, a cross product is generated by the scheduler. A List, XRange and FileRange can be supplied as a dimension.

Parameters: name - Name of column sequence - Definition for elements of column

appendRow(PyDictionary row)

Append row to parameter list. Each row corresponds to a row that is received by a joblet that the Scheduler will assign to nodes. The number of rows assigned to a given joblet is determined by maxJobletSize

Parameters: row - Dictionary of name/value pairs representing a column name and value.

setMaxJobletSize(int maxJobletSize)

Set maximum number of joblets to project this ParameterSpace into.

Parameters: maxJobletSize - Maximum number of joblets to create.

See Also

Javadoc: ParameterSpace