Novell ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3

Download and Installation


For full functionality, Novell® ZENworks® Orchestrator 1.3 requires a license key, which can be purchased from Novell. Contact your Novell Sales Representative for more information.

If you want to evaluate the product before purchase, you can download a trial key, which controls the number of users and managed nodes you can configure. The trial key also sets an expiration date. To obtain a trial key, go to the Product Overview page, then click Get Trial Key. This link downloads a text file, ZOS_Trial.txt which is the Trial Key. The ZOS_Trial.txt file is required by the ZENworks Orchestrator Server 1.3 configuration script.

downloading the desktop management software:

  1. On the Novell ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Downloads page, click the Download button to be directed to the product download page. Look for instructions about how to download this product.
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to download the .iso file to a directory on your machine.

installing the zenworks orchestrator product

For complete product installation instructions, see the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Installation Guide on the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 documentation Web site. If you are upgrading from ZENworks Orchestrator 1.2, see the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Upgrade Guide. If you want to install and configure ZENworks Orchestrator in a High Availability environment, see the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 High Availability Configuration Guide.

known issues

For a list of known issues, see the ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 Readme.

legal notices

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