This command starts a local server.
zosadmin start [--dir=] [--jvmargs=] [--javaargs=] [--timeout=] [--upgrade] [--snapshot=]
Specify the working directory for a Orchestrator Server installation.
Pass the value as an argument to an invoked JVM process.
Pass the value as an argument to an invoked Java program.
Specify the query timeout (in seconds).
Switch upgrade behavior for snapshot handling.
Upgrade a server using the snapshot directory of an existing server.
Turn on verbose output during this operation.
Turn on debug output during this operation.
Display a help message for this operation.
To start a server instance using the install directory (default), use the following command:
zosadmin start
To start a server instance using directory /zos/server/, use the following command:
zosadmin start --dir=/zos/server
To start a server instance and upgrade from an existing server snapshot, use the following command:
zosadmin start --upgrade --snapshot=/oldzos/server/snapshot
To start --upgrade --snapshot=/oldzos/server/snapshot, use the following command:
zosadmin start --jvmargs=-Xmx4g