2.1 Installing ZCC Helper

ZENworks ZCC Helper is a standalone application which provides a browser independent way to perform various actions such as:

  • On Windows:

    • Icon Extractor

    • Remote Management

    • Uploading Imaging Files

    • Windows Group Policy

    • File and Directory Upload

  • On Linux:

    • Remote Management

    • File and Directory Upload

To install ZCC Helper:

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Configuration.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click Download ZENworks Tools.

  3. In the left navigation pane of the ZENworks Download page, click Administrative Tools.

  4. Click the Configuration tab.

  5. Depending on the device architecture (32-bit or 64-bit), download the appropriate RPM or MSI.

    novell-zenworks-zcc-helper-<version>.msi for Windows devices

    novell-zenworks-zcc-helper-<version>.rpm for Linux devices

  6. Save and install the ZCC Helper.


  • Windows:

    • For 64-bit operating system, no need to install the JRE, as JRE is included with ZCC Helper.

    • For 32-bit operating system, the 3rd party JRE (8.x or higher version) should be manually installed.

  • Linux:

    • For 64-bit operating system, no need to install the JRE, as JRE is included with ZCC Helper. However, on 64-bit SLES 11 devices, the 3rd party JRE (8.x or higher version) should be installed and then set the ZCC_JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    • For 32-bit operating system, the 3rd party JRE (8.x or higher version) should be manually installed, and then set the ZCC_JAVA_HOME environment variable.