21.2 High Utilization of Resources on Citrix Server

During a partial or general refresh of the ZENworks Agent on a terminal session of a Citrix server, the agent simultaneously refreshes the sessions of all the users logged into the terminal server. If too many users have logged into the terminal server, this might cause high usage of system resources, and subsequently the ZENworks Agent might take considerable time to refresh the terminal server.

To avoid high utilization of resources on the Citrix server:

  1. Open the Registry Editor.

  2. Go to HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\.

  3. Create a string called EnableBatchRefresh and set its value to 1. By doing so, user sessions will be refreshed in parallel. By default, the number of user sessions that can be simultaneously refreshed is 5.

  4. (Optional) If you want to change the default number of user sessions that must be simultaneously refreshed, create a string called maxUserRefreshThreads and set the desired value.