D.1 To upgrade from SLES11 SP2 to SLES11 SP3:

  1. Replicate the following catalogs, SLES11-SP3-Pool and SLES11-SP3-Updates by using the Subscription feature.

    For information on creating and replicating Subscriptions, see Subscription in the ZENworks Linux Package Management Reference.

  2. After you replicate the subscription, assign the bundles listed in step 1 to the SLES11 SP2 server managed device.

    IMPORTANT:Do not select the Install Immediately after Distribution or Launch Immediately after Installation options in the Bundle Assignment Wizard.

  3. In ZENworks Control Center, click Bundles.

  4. Create a Linux SLES11SP3Upgrade bundle.

  5. Select Empty Bundle as the Bundle Category type.

  6. Follow the wizard to complete the bundle creation.

  7. Select Actions > Install Actionset and add the Run Script action to the bundle.

  8. In the Run Script action menu, select Script to Run as Define your own script.

  9. In the Script content field, copy the following code, then click OK.

    /bin/sleep 180

    /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/zac dist-upgrade --no-confirm SLES11-SP3-Pool-bundle SLES11-SP3-Updates-bundle

    if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then

    exit 1


  10. Select the When action is complete option instead of the default No wait option and click Ok.

  11. Click Apply and then Publish the bundle.

  12. Assign the SLE11SP3Upgrade bundle to the SLES11 SP2 managed devices, and schedule the bundles to install appropriately.

    IMPORTANT:Make sure that SLES11-SP3-Pool-bundle and SLES11-SP3-Updates-bundle has been assigned before applying the SLE11SP3Upgrade bundle.

  13. After the patching is successful, verify the following in the managed device: PATCHLEVEL is updated from 2 to 3 under “/etc/SuSE-release”.

Similar steps can be performed by replicating the following catalogs, SLED11-SP3-Pool and SLED11-SP3-Updates and then using it to upgrade a SLED11 SP2 managed device to SLED 11 SP3.