1.3 Important information about replacing Logo

To replace the image in a report manually:

  1. Launch Jaspersoft Studio.

  2. Upload the image in the Repository Explorer as follows:

    1. Right click on the corresponding report unit (folder) in the Repository Explorer.

    2. Select New > Image and then click Next.

    3. Specify Name, ID for the new image and press Next.

    4. Upload the new image and then click Finish.

  3. Open the .jrxml file for the report requiring the new image.

    1. Click on the image (default logo) and go to Properties panel.

    2. Go to Image and change the Expression attribute to "repo:<Name of the new image>"

  4. Save the jrxml file to get these changes published.

To replace the default logo automatically:

  1. Open the Terminal.

  2. Go to /var/adm/reporting.

  3. Type ./change-logo.sh and press Enter. Specify the path of the new image.

Logo is replaced only for ZENworks Reporting predefined reports.