2.0 Changing the Ports Used by the Embedded PostgreSQL Database

PostgreSQL uses port 5432 by default. However, ZENworks uses 54327 port for PostgreSQL. You can change the port on which the database runs.

  1. In the zenworks_database.conf file, specify the new port number on which the server listens to.

    The zenworks_database.conf file is located in %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf on Windows and in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks on Linux.

  2. In the zdm.xml and zenaudit.xml files on all the Primary Servers, specify the new port number in the following entry:

    <entry key="Port">54327</entry>

    By default, the entry lists the default port number, 54327.

    The zdm.xml and zenaudit.xml files are located in %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\datamodel on Windows and in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/datamodel on Linux.

  3. Restart the database service, ZENServer, and ZENLoader services on all Primary servers:

    • On Windows:

      1. From the Windows desktop Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel.

      2. Double-click Administrative Tools > Services.

      3. Restart the following services: Novell ZENworks Embedded Datastore, Novell ZENworks Loader Service, and Novell ZENworks Server.

    • On Linux: At the console prompt, enter the following commands in the order given:

      On SLES 11:

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenmntr stop

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenserver stop

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenloader stop

      • /etc/init.d/zenpostgresql restart

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenserver start

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenloader start

      • /etc/init.d/novell-zenmntr start

      On SLES 12:

      • systemctl stop novell-zenserver.service

      • systemctl stop novell-zenloader.service

      • systemctl restart zenpostgresql

      • systemctl start novell-zenserver.service

      • systemctl start novell-zenloader.service