In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
In the User Sources panel, click the name of a user source to display its details.
In the Authentication Servers panel, select the check box next to the server’s name, then click Edit to display the Edit Authentication Server Connections dialog box.
Click Add to display the Add User Source Connections dialog box.
By default, the Add link is disabled because all connections to the user source display. If a connection is removed, the Add link is enabled.
(Optional) Use the Connection Name field to filter the list of connections.
Specify all or part of the name for the connection to the LDAP directory, then click Filter to display the list of connections that match the criteria.
If you have many connections in your ZENworks Management Zone, you can use the Connection Name field to display only those connections that match the criteria. For example, to display all connections that contain the word “London,” type London in the Connection Name field, then click Filter.
(Optional) Use the Connection Address field to filter the list of connections.
Specify part of the IP address or DNS hostname of the connection to the LDAP directory, then click Filter to display all connections with that IP address.
If you have many connections in your ZENworks Management Zone, you can use the Connection Address field to display only those connections that match the criteria. For example, to search for and display all connections that have an IP address starting with 172, type 172 in the Connection Address field, then click Filter.
In the User Source Connections list, select the check box next to the desired connection.
Click OK.