2.2 Older Policy Version Retain Settings

Using this page, you can configure the number of older policy versions that you want to retain in ZENworks. The available options include:

  • Retain all versions: Select this option to retain all versions of the policy. This includes the Published and Sandbox versions.

  • Retain the specified number of older versions: Select this option to specify the number of older versions of the policy to be retained. The number that you specify should be a positive integer and it should not include the Published and Sandbox versions as they are retained by default.

    For example: If a policy has 5 versions and if you specify 2, then only the 2 versions prior to the currently published version will be retained along with Published and Sandbox versions. The remaining versions will be deleted.

  • Do not retain any older versions: Select this option if you do not want to retain any older versions. This option retains only the Published and Sandbox versions.

NOTE:The policy version retention setting can be configured at the zone, folder and policy levels. The order of precedence is policy, folder and then zone.