14.11 Configuring OSP for Additional DNS or L4 Switch

After upgrading to ZENworks 2020 Update 2, you need to configure Primary Servers behind L4 DNS or use Additional DNS Names or Hostname using OSP to access ZCC:

If the Primary Servers are not configured, then you might not be able to access ZCC and the following error might be logged:

{"Fault":{"Code":{"Value":"Sender","Subcode":{"Value":"XDAS_OUT_POLICY_VIOLATION"}},"Reason":{"Text":"Unrecognized interface. Invalid Host Header Name or Request URL Domain Name."}}} error message with ZCC login page

To access ZCC via DNS Alias or Additional name, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the following entries in the osp-configuration.properties file in ZCC Server:

    • Additional DNS (External): com.microfocus.osp.additional.hostnames=<FQDN/Alias>

      Example for Additional DNS:

      com.microfocus.osp.additional.hostnames: l4.lab.blr.provo.com,

    • L4 Configuration: com.microfocus.osp.l4.addresses=<FQDN/Alias>

      Example for L4 Configuration:


    The osp-configuration.properties file is available in the following location:

    • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/security/osp/osp-configuration.properties

    • On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\conf\security\osp\osp-configuration.properties

  2. After updating the file, restart ZENworks server services.

    After updating the file, restart the client management services.