Closest Server Default Rule

The Closest Server Default Rule panel lets you define the rule that is used by a device to determine the closest collection, content, configuration, and authentication servers when no Closest Server rules have been defined or when none apply. This rule is simply a listing of the servers in the order you want the devices to contact them.

For Closest Server Default rules, devices that are Satellites are considered as servers and can be listed for selection in the various sections.

By default, all ZENworks Servers function as collection, content, configuration, and authentication Servers and are displayed in the appropriate lists. In addition, Satellite devices that are defined with the Content or Imaging role are also displayed in the Content Servers list, any Satellite devices that are defined with the Collection role are also displayed in the Collection Servers list, and Satellite devices that are defined with the Authentication role are also displayed in the Authentication Servers list, and Linux or Windows Satellite devices that are defined with the Join Proxy role are also displayed in the Join Proxy Servers list.

NOTE:The Join Proxy Servers are not added to the closest servers by default. The administrator should define the closest server rules for that Join Proxy. The Join Proxy satellite Server can be assigned to any location or network environment.

For information on configuring the Servers listed in the Collection Servers, Content Servers, Configuration Servers, Authentication servers and Join Proxy Servers lists, see Collection, Content, Configuration, Authentication and Join Proxy Servers.

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