4.1 Restoring the Embedded Sybase SQL Anywhere Database on a Windows Server

  1. Stop all the ZENworks Services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.

    • On Windows: Do the following:

      1. Execute the following command at the server prompt:

        novell-zenworks-configure -c Start

      2. Enter the number next to the Stop action.

    • On Linux: Do the following:

      1. Execute the following command at the server prompt:

        /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start

      2. Enter the number next to the Stop action.

  2. At the Windows server prompt, go to ZENworks_Installation_directory:\novell\zenworks\bin, and enter the following command:

    ZenworksWindowsDBRestore.bat ZENworks_Installation_directory:\Novell\Zenworks\Database c:\dbBackup\zenworks_zone_name.db c:\dbBackup\zenworks_zone_name.log

  3. Press any key when the following message is displayed:

    Before proceeding, make sure you have backed up any files in:<Installation directory>:\Novell\ZENworks\database Press any key to continue.
  4. Enter Y when the following message is displayed:

    The following services are dependent on the Novell ZENworks Datastore service. Stopping the Novell ZENworks Datastore service will also stop these services: Novell ZENworks Loader, Novell ZENworks Agent Service, Novell ZENworks Server. Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N) [N]:
  5. Press any key when the following message is displayed:

    The Novell ZENworks Datastore service was stopped successfully. Press any key to continue...
  6. Enter Yes when the following message is displayed:

    Overwrite <installation directory>:\Novell\ZENworks\database\zenworks_<zone_name>.db? (Yes/No/All)
  7. Enter Yes when the following message is displayed:

    Overwrite <installation directory>:\Novell\ZENworks\database\zenworks_<zone_name>.log? (Yes/No/All):

    The backupFile and the backupLogFile are copied to ZENworks_Installation_directory:\Novell\ZENworks\database, and the database is restored.

  8. (Conditional) If you restore the database to a location other than the one mentioned in the zenworks_installation_directory\novell\zenworks\database\conf\zenworks_database.conf file, manually edit zenworks_database.conf to specify the new location of the database.

  9. Start all the ZENworks Services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.

    • On Windows: Do the following

      1. Execute the following command at the server prompt:

        novell-zenworks-configure -c Start

      2. Enter the number next to the Start action.

    • On Linux: Do the following:

      1. Execute the following command at the server prompt:

        /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start

      2. Enter the number next to the Start action.