ZENworks 11 SP3 Supported Capabilities by Platform

February 2014

The following table lists the ZENworks capabilities supported on each managed device platform.


Windows Workstation*

Windows Thin-Client Session*†

Linux Workstation

Macintosh Workstation

Windows Server

Linux Server

Asset Management







Configuration Management







       Software Distribution (Bundles)







       Configuration Policies







       Remote Management







       Preboot Services and Imaging







       Asset Inventory







       Personality Migration







Endpoint Security Management







Full Disk Encryption







Patch Management







* User-based management capabilities (such as assigning bundles, Configuration policies, and Security polices to users) are supported only on Windows workstations and Windows thin-client sessions.

† Refers to ZENworks capabilities supported within users’ thin-client sessions. See the Windows Server column for capabilities supported on Windows Terminal Server.

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