1.0 Understanding ZENworks Inventory Database Tables

This section provides information about the ZENworks inventory database tables for advanced users who may need information about their contents.

How to Use Database Table Definitions

This information is for advanced users who need to understand the structure of the ZENworks inventory database. For example, some users may want to create their own custom reports with Jaspersoft Studio.

This section is purely informational; its contents should not be used to change the database in any way. In particular,

  • Never edit data in the inventory database directly.

  • Never change the structure of the database tables.

Either action would compromise the integrity of the database severely.

IMPORTANT:If you edit the inventory database directly or alter the database tables in any way, you will forfeit your right to receive any technical support from Novell related to the altered database.

Table Description Format

The description of each database table includes the following information for the columns in the table:

  • The column name.

  • The key (if any): PK is a primary key; FK is a foreign key.

  • The data type. Note that some data types have different names in Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SQL Express, and Oracle.

The following data types may be found in the ZENworks Inventory database.

  • A float is an 8-byte floating point number.

    This data type is called a float(126) in Oracle.

  • A tiny <INT6> is a 1-byte integer from 0 to 28 -1, or 0 to 255.

    This data type is called a tinyint in both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Express and is called a number(5) in Oracle.

  • A short <INT2> is a 2-byte integer from -32,768 to 32,767.

    This data type is called a smallint in both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Express and is called a number(10,0) in Oracle.

  • A long <INT4> is a 4-byte integer from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

    This data type is called an int in both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Express and is called a number(30,0) in Oracle.

  • A binary(n) is an array of bytes, n bytes in length.

    This data type is called a raw in Oracle.

  • A varbinary(n) is a variable length array of bytes, with a maximum length of n.

  • A GUID is equivalent to Uniqueidentifier in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, and Microsoft SQL Express. In Oracle, it is a raw(18).

  • A char(n) is a character string of length n.

  • A nvarchar(n) is a variable length character string, with a maximum length of n.

    This data type is called a varchar2 in Oracle.

  • Text is character data greater than 255 characters, stored in linked lists of 2 KB data pages.

  • Numeric(p,s) is numeric data with fixed precision (p) and scale (s). The storage is based on the precision.

    This data type is called a number in Oracle.

  • A DateTime is the date and time.

    This data type is called a date in Oracle.

  • The status of nulls. A "No" in the Null column indicates that a null is not allowed; the absence of a "No" means a null is allowed.

  • A description of the column.