5.1 Using a ZENworks Control Center Quick Task

To use a ZENworks Full Disk Encryption Quick Task in ZENworks Control Center, a ZENworks administrator must be assigned the Manage Endpoint Security Settings and Tasks privilege. This privilege is configured through the Quick Tasks rights for administrators and administrator groups. For help configuring Quick Tasks rights, see the ZENworks 11 SP4 Administrator Accounts and Rights Reference.

For a user to be added to a device through a Quick Task, the device must be running and have a network connection to the ZENworks Server. Otherwise, the ZENworks Server cannot deliver the Quick Task to the device.

Watch a video that shows how to use a Quick Task to update a current user’s ZENworks PBA credentials and add a new user to the ZENworks PBA on device.

  1. In ZENworks Control Center, click Devices.

  2. In the Devices panel, locate the device for which you want to add a user.

  3. Select the check box next to the device, click Quick Tasks > FDE: Update PBA User to display the Update PBA User dialog box.

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    Replace password if user already exists in PBA: Ignore this option. It only applies if you are updating an existing user’s password.

    User Name: Specify a user name for the PBA user. If single sign-on is active on the device, this user name must be the same as the Windows user name. If single sign-on is not active, the user name does not need to match the Windows user name.

    Domain: Specify a domain name for the PBA user. If single sign-on is active, this must be the Windows domain name (or computer name if the user is not a domain member). If single sign-on is not active, this field is optional. You can leave it blank or use it as another component to distinguish the PBA user name.

    Password: Specify a password for the PBA user. If single sign-on is active, this must be the Windows password. If single sign-on is not active, you can specify any password.

  5. Click OK to display the Quick Task Status dialog box.

  6. In the Quick Task Status dialog box, click Start if you want to use the default options.


    Configure the options as desired, then click Start.

    For information about the options, click the Help icon in the Quick Task Status dialog box.

    As soon as the Quick Task is complete, the new user can authenticate to the ZENworks PBA on the device.