Understanding Monitoring Services

Using the Monitoring Services facility, you test connectivity of services on one or more critical network devices, such as servers or routers. For example, you can monitor services because you want to be alerted immediately if the connectivity between the console and critical nodes is disrupted.

This test facility enables testing of the following services:

The test facility uses the Novell ZENworks Server Management server as the remote ping server. When you select the service on the node for testing, the console interacts with the remote ping server on the Novell ZENworks Server Management server and displays the results of the test on the console.

The following figure shows a graphical representation of Monitoring Services.

The Console, Remote Ping Server, and the target nodes

To monitor nodes, you choose the nodes and enable the monitoring session for the duration you require.

From the console, you monitor the services in the following ways:

For testing connectivity of services on the target nodes you select, you set the following options:

You can view the status of the connectivity and measure diagnostics, such as round trip delays or number of packets sent and received from the console.

Role-Based Services for Using the Monitoring Services

Role-based services (Role-based Services) defines the task for Monitoring Services as Enable Remote Ping. If this task is assigned to your role, you can use the Monitoring Services facility.

For general information about role-based traffic analysis tasks, creating Role-based Services role objects or specifying tasks that Role-based Services roles can perform, see Role-Based Administration.