M.3 Performance Tips for the Inventory Server ( Support Pack 1)

IMPORTANT:Review this section only if you installed ZENworks 7 Desktop Management with Support Pack 1

The Server Inventory service might demand high (up to 100%) processor utilization in the following scenarios:

If the utilization rate is unacceptable, or if the Inventory Storer takes a considerable amount of time to store the inventory data, perform the following tasks to improve the Inventory server performance:

  1. Stop the Inventory Service. For more information, see Section 73.1.5, Starting and Stopping the Inventory Service.

  2. Close all instances of ConsoleOne that are connected to this database.

  3. If your Inventory database is running on Sybase, modify the database indexes using the sybindex utility.

    • To run the sybindex utility on a NetWare server:

      • 1. On the Inventory server, extract Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\properties\sql.zip to a temporary directory retaining the directory structure. For example, extract sql.zip to sys:\sql. The temporary directory contains the Sybase directory.
      • 2. If the Sybase Inventory database is either not hosted on the Inventory server or is running on a port other than 2638, edit Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\properties\sqlupdater.properties to specify the host and port on which the Sybase Inventory database is running.
      • 3. At the Inventory server system console prompt, enter: sybindex -path complete_path_of_sql.zip_extracted_directory\sybase.
      • For example, sybindex -path sys:\sql\sybase where sql is the directory to which sql.zip is extracted in Step 1.
    • To run the sybindex utility on a Windows server:

      • 1. On the Inventory server, extract Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\properties\sql.zip to a temporary directory retaining the directory structure. For example, extract sql.zip to c:\sql. The temporary directory contains the Sybase directory.
      • 2. If the Sybase Inventory database is either not hosted on the Inventory server or is running on a port other than 2638, edit Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\properties\sqlupdater.properties to specify the host and port on which the Sybase Inventory database is running.
      • 3. At the Inventory server command prompt, navigate to Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\ wminv\bin, and enter sybindex -path complete_path_of_sql.zip_extracted_directory/sybase.
      • For example, sybindex -path c:\sql\sybase where sql is the directory to which sql.zip is extracted in Step 1.
    • To run the Sybindex utility on a Linux server:

      • 1. On the Inventory server, extract /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/inv/sql.zip to a temporary directory retaining the directory structure. For example, extract sql.zip to /home/user. The temporary directory contains the Sybase directory.
      • 2. If the Sybase Inventory database is either not hosted on the Inventory server or is running on a port other than 2638, edit /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/inv/SQLUpdater.properties to specify the host and port on which the Sybase Inventory database is running.
      • 3. At the Inventory server command prompt, navigate to /opt/novell/bin, and enter sybindex -path complete_path_of_sql.zip_extracted_directory/sybase.
      • For example, sybindex -path home/user/sql/sybase

    NOTE:This execution might take significant amount of time to complete depending on the database size.

  4. If your Inventory database is running MSSQL database, execute the following scripts available in the MSSQL directory of Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\ properties\sql.zip with appropriate user logins as explained below from the MS SQL Query Analyzer:

    • Log in as CIM and execute mssql_perf_cim.sql.

    • Log in as ZENworks and execute mssql_perf_zenworks.

    • Log in as ManageWise and execute mssql_perf_managewise.

    • Log in as MW_DBA and execute mssql_perf_mw_dba.

    Ignore any warnings related to DROP statements during the script execution.

  5. Restart the Inventory Service. For more information, see Section 73.1.5, Starting and Stopping the Inventory Service.

  6. Restart the ConsoleOne.

  7. To improve the throughput of the Storer, you can tune the parameters of the service.

    1. Stop the Inventory service. For more information, see Section 73.1.5, Starting and Stopping the Inventory Service.

    2. Run a text editor and navigate to the Inventory_server_installation_path\zenworks\inv\server\wminv\properties directory.

    3. Open the storerdebug.properties file, make the following value change to the uncommented parameter:

    4. Save the changes and close the file.

    5. Restart the Inventory service. For more information, see Section 73.1.5, Starting and Stopping the Inventory Service.