73.4 Changing the ScanDir Path for a Linux Inventory Server

You can change the scandir path for a Linux Inventory server using the zeninvshares script.

To change the scandir path:

  1. At the Linux Inventory server prompt, execute the zenivshares script by entering /opt/novell/bin/zeninvshares.

  2. Enter the new scandir path.

    NOTE:Do not choose a directory that might contain privileged information because this script grants everyone Read and Execute permissions to all the directories in the scandir path.

  3. (Conditional) On the OES Linux Inventory server, you are prompted to enter the eDirectory administrator's name and password to assign the rights to the NCP shares.

After changing the scandir path, if your Linux Inventory server is running on OES, ensure that the following entry exists in /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf:

VOLUME sys /usr/novell/sys

If the entry does not exist, you must manually add it to the file, and restart Novell eDirectory by entering /etc/init.d/ndsd restart at the Linux server prompt.