5.0 Uninstalling ZENworks Handheld Management

Before removing the Novell® ZENworks® 7 Handheld Management software, ensure that no one is accessing the installation through a remote installation of Novell ConsoleOne®.

To uninstall ZENworks Handheld Management software:

  1. Open the Control Panel on the computer with the ZENworks Handheld Management component you want to uninstall.

  2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Select the component that you want to uninstall:

    • Novell ZENworks Handheld Management: Uninstalls the Handheld Management server components and the Handheld Management ConsoleOne snap-ins.

    • Novell Desktop Synchronization Component

    • Novell ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point

      NOTE:If you are uninstalling the ZENworks Handheld Management Server, you do not see the Novell ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point component listed. You see this component only if you installed the ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point on additional computers or if you upgraded the ZENworks for Handhelds 5.x Proxy Service software on a desktop computer to the ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point.

  4. Click Add/Remove.

  5. Click OK when the uninstall is complete.

You should complete the same steps on each computer where ZENworks Handheld Management components are installed.

NOTE:Uninstalling ZENworks Handheld Management components does not remove Handheld Management objects from Novell eDirectory™. To remove Handheld Management objects from the directory, right-click the object, click Delete NDS Object, then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The address of the uninstalled ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point or Desktop Synchronization machine is not automatically deleted from the ZENworks Handheld Management Service object’s properties page. You must manually delete it. If you do not delete the entry, the properties page contains a duplicate entry when you reinstall ZENworks Handheld Management Access Point or Desktop Synchronization on the same machine.