Content-type: text/html Manpage of rug


Section: System Tools (1)
Updated: 1.0


rug [--global-options] [command] [--command-options]

rug --version

rug --help  


rug is the command-line interface to the ZENworks Linux Management (ZLM) agent. It works with the ZLM daemon to install, update, and remove software according to the commands you give it. The software which it installs can be from ZENworks 7 Linux Management, ZENworks 6.6.x Linux Management servers, aptrpm repositories, as well as local files.

ZENworks Linux Management servers sort software by category into catalogs, which are groups of similar software. For example, one catalog might contain software from the operating system vendor, and another the Novell Linux Desktop. You can subscribe to individual catalogs to control the display of available packages and prevent the accidental installation of unwanted software. By default, all operations are performed on software from within catalogs to which you are subscribed, although you may alter this with the --allow-unsubscribed flag.



rug provides a number of commands (shown as [command] in the SYNTAX section). Each command accepts the option flags listed in the GLOBAL OPTIONS section. In addition, many commands have specific option flags, which are listed here.

The most commonly used command is rug update which downloads and installs updates in channels to which you are subscribed. If you only want to update software, that is the only command you need.

Bundle Management Commands:

bundle-history <options> <search-string> <search-string> ...
Search bundle log entries
-n, --search-name Search by bundle name (default)
-a, --search-action Search by action
--search-host Search by host
--search-user Search by user
--match-all Require packages to match all search strings (default)
--match-any Allow packages to match any search string
--match-substrings Match search strings against any part of text
--match-words Require packages to match all search strings
-d, --days-back Maximum number of days to look back (default 30)
General Options:
--normal-output Normal output (default)
--terse Terse output
--quiet Quiet output, print only error messages
--debug Debug output, print full exception traces
bundle-install (bin) [options] [bundlename] ...
Installs the specified bundles. rug attempts to find the specified bundles in catalogs to which you are subscribed. Use bundle-upgrade to upgrade a bundle which you already have installed. Accepts the following option flags:
-y,--no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.
-p,--prepare-only - Only prepare bundles, do not install.
-f,--freshen - Freshen children.
-N,--dryrun - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.

bundle-list (bl)
Lists all bundles installed on the managed device (local) and all bundles available bundles in catalogs to which you are subscribed (remote bundles). Accepts the option flag:
-i, - List all local bundles and their lock status.

bundle-lock-add (la) [options] [packagename] [[relation][version]] ...
Add a package lock rule. This prevents changes to the installation state of the package that are not specifically requested. The package name can be specified individually, with wildcard patterns, or even with version number relations. For example, the command rug lock-add gnome*<2.0 would refuse to install any packages beginning with "gnome" that had versions above 2.0. Accepts the following option flags:
-c,--channel=[channel] - Specify a channel to match.
-i,--importance=[importance] - Set the minimum importance level for the lock. Packages less important than the importance level you specify will be blocked, and those that are at least as important will override the lock. Importance levels, from least to most important, are: minor, feature, suggested, urgent, and necessary.

bundle-lock-delete (ld) [options] [lock-number] ...
Delete the lock you specify by its number. You can find the numbers for each lock with the lock-list (ll) command. Accepts the flag ---no-confirmation flag, to permit removals without confirmation.

bundle-lock-list (ll) [options] ...
List the locks that have been put in place. Locks are sorted by ID number. Accepts the option flags:
-no-abbrev - Do not abbreviate channel information.
-m,--matches - Show information about matching packages.

bundle-remove (brm) [options] [bundlename] ...
Removes the specified bundles. Accepts the following option flags:
-y,--no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.
-p,--prepare-only - Only prepare bundles, do not remove.
-f,--freshen - Freshen children.
-N,--dryrun - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.
-r,--allow-removals - Remove a bundle and all of its dependencies, even if they are not contained in the bundle.

bundle-search (bse) [options] [querystring]
Searches for bundles matching the querystring. Accepts the following option flags:
-i,--installed-only - Searches only the list of installed bundles.

bundle-upgrade (bup) [options] [bundlename] ...
Upgrades the specified bundles. Accepts the following option flags:
-y,--no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.
-p,--prepare-only - Only prepare bundles, do not install.
-f,--freshen - Freshen children.
-N,--dryrun - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.

catalogs (ca)
Lists the catalogs available for the services you have added.

subscribe (sub) [options] [catalogname] ...
Subscribes to the specified catalogs. Each specified catalog must be available from one of the services you have added. Accepts the following option flags:
-s,--strict - Fail if attempting to subscribe to an already-subscribed catalog.
-a,--all - Subscribe to all catalogs.

unsubscribe (unsub) [options] [catalogname] ...
Unsubscribes to the specified catalogs. Accepts the following option flags:
-s,--strict - Fail if attempting to unsubscribe from an un-subscribed catalog.
-a,--all - Unsubscribe to all catalogs.

Miscellaneous Commands:

apt-import (ai) [sources.list]
Imports a sources.list file from apt.

Package Management Commands:

dump [output filename]
Outputs an XML dump of system information.

file-list (fl) [packagename or filename]
Lists files within a package.

history (hi) [options] [searchterm]
Searches log entries for the search term you specify. By default, searches package names for the search term, displaying the package version history. Use the following option flags to perform a different search:
-n, --search-name - Search by package name (default).
-a, --search-action - Search by action.
--search-host - Search by host.
--search-user - Search by user.
--match-all - Require packages to match all search strings (default).
--match-any - Allow packages to match any search string.
--match-substrings - Match search strings against any part of text.
--match-words - Require search strings to match entire words.
-d, --days-back - Maximum number of days to look back (default 30)

info (if) [options] [packagename] ...
Displays the full info for the specified package. Accepts the following option flags:
-i, --uninstalled - Search for uninstalled packages.
-u, --unsubscribed - Search in unsubscribed catalogs.

info-conflicts (ic) [packagename]
Lists all conflicts for the specified package.

info-obsoletes (io) [packagename]
Lists all obsoletes for the specified package.

info-provides (ip) [packagename]
Lists what the specified package provides.

info-requirements (ir) [packagename]
List package requirements.

install (in) [options] [packagename] ...
Install the specified package or packages. If packagename designates a package which is already installed, but for which a newer version is available, the new version is downloaded and installed. Accepts the following option flags:
-u, --allow-unsubscribed - Allow unsubscribed catalogs.
-d, --download-only - Only download packages.
--entire-catalog - Install all of the packages from the catalogs specified.
-N, --dry-run - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.
-y, --no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.

list-updates (lu) [catalog] ...
Displays available updates in the specified catalogs. Adding channels as arguments limits the list to those channels you specify. If you are not subscribed to a channel, no updates will be available, even if you name the catalog as an argument; you must subscribe to list updates.
If the output from this command does not match the pending updates listed on the server, it is because the pending updates list on the server shows updates for all available channels, not just channels to which the client is subscribed. For the lists to match, the client must be subscribed to all available channels.

package-file (pf) [filename]
Gets the package which contains the specified file.

packages (pa) [options] [catalog] ...
Displays the packages in a given catalog or channel. If no catalog or channel is specified, all packages in all channels are listed. Accepts the following option flags:
-i, --installed-only - Show only installed packages.
-u, --uninstalled-only - Show only uninstalled packages.
--sort-by-name - Sort packages by name (default).
--sort-by-catalog - Sort packages by catalog.

remove (rm) [options] [package] ...
Removes the specified packages. Accepts the following option flags:
-N, --dry-run - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.
-y, --no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.

rollback (ro) <options> <date>
Roll back package transactions to the time and date you specify. The time to which you roll back must be a time after you set the "rollback" option to "true" using rug set. Rollback works only on RPM-based systems. Versions to which you downgrade must be available on your Red Carpet Enterprise server.
-d, --download-only Only download packages.
-N, --dry-run Test, but do not actually perform, the requested actions.
-y, --no-confirmation Do not ask for confirmation when downgrading. Removal of software that is not being downgraded will still require confirmation unless combined with the -r flag.
-r, --allow-removals Permit removal of software without confirmation.
-d, --download Download but do not install, any software required for the downgrade.

General Options:
--normal-output Normal output (default)
--terse Terse output
--quiet Quiet output, print only error messages
--debug Debug output, print full exception traces

Date Format
The following is a list of example dates expressed in a format that can be used as an argument to the rug rollback command. Note that most formats contain spaces which must be properly escaped from the shell by using quotes (").
March 30
2005 March
Date and Time:
03/30/2005 15:55
03/30/2005 15:55:56
For example, rug rollback "03/30/2005 15:55:56" rolls back to this date and time. rug rollback "15:55:56" rolls back to this time today.

search (se) [options] [querystring]
Search for packages matching a pattern. Accepts the following option flags:
--match-all - Require packages to match all search strings (default).
--match-any - Allow packages to match any search string.
--match-substrings - Match search strings against any part of text.
--match-words - Require search strings to match entire words.
-d, --search-descriptions - Search in package descriptions, but not package names.
-i, --installed-only - Show only packages that are already installed.
-u, --uninstalled-only - Show only packages that are not currently installed.
--locked-only - Show only locked packages.
--unlocked-only - Show only unlocked packages.
-c, --catalog - Show only the packages from the catalog you specify.
--sort-by-name - Sort packages by name (default).
--sort-by-catalog - Sort packages by catalog, not by name.

update (up) [catalog] ...
Download and install updates. With no arguments, this installs updates for all subscribed catalogs. To choose specific catalogs, list them as arguments, separated by spaces. For single bundles or packages, use rug bundle-install or rug install instead. If you are not subscribed to a catalog, there will not be updates available, even if you list the catalog as an argument; you must subscribe to install updates. If you want to install or update software from a catalog to which you are not subscribed, use rug install -u. Accepts the following option flags:
-d, --download-only - Only download packages.
-N, --dry-run - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.
-y, --no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.

verify (ve) [options]
Verifies system dependencies. If system dependencies are not satisfied, rug suggests the removal or installation of packages necessary to resolve conflicts. Accepts the following option flags:
-N, --dry-run - Test and display, but do not actually perform the requested actions.
-y, --no-confirmation - Do not prompt for confirmation.

what-conflicts (wc) [packagename]
Lists packages that conflict with the item you specify.

what-provides (wp) [querystring]
Displays packages that provide the library, program, or package that you specify.

what-requires (wr) [querystring]
Lists packages that require the library, program, or package you specify.

Preference Management Commands:

get-prefs (get) [token]
Displays the value of the specified preference token. If no token is provided, all preferences are displayed. Accepts the following option flags:
-d, --no-descriptions - Do not show descriptions of the preferences.

set-prefs (set) [token] [value]
Sets a preference variable. Accepts the following option flags:
-s, --subscribed - List only subscribed channels.
-u, --unsubscribed - List only unsubscribed channels.
-m, --mounted - List only mounted channels.
--show-ids - Show channel IDs.
--service - List only channels in this service.

The base set of options are as follows:

bind-ip - For systems using more than one IP address, selects the address at which rcd will bind. Leave empty to bind to all addresses.
cache-directory - The directory where cached data are stored. Default is /var/opt/novell/zenworks/cache/zmd/web.
cache-enabled - If True, cache downloaded packages and metadata. Default value is 'True'.
debug-level - Sets the amount of debugging output to stderr. Valid options are 'min', 'max', and 'off'. The default is 'min'.
delay - How long before sending delayed actions, in seconds. Default value is '900'.
max-cache-age - The maximum number of days to cache a file. Default value is '30'.
max-downloads - Maximum number of concurrent downloads. Default value is 5.
max-retries - Maximum number of download retries. Default value is 3.
proxy-password - Password for the proxy, if any.
proxy-url - URL for the proxy server, if any.
proxy-username - Username for the proxy, if any.
refresh-interval - How long between refreshes, in seconds. Default value is '7200'.
remote-enabled - Allow clients to connect to this daemon remotely. Default value is 'True'.
remote-port - Port used for connections of remote clients. Default value is '5505'.
require-signatures - Require packages be signed before installing. Defaults value is 'True'.
require-verified-certificates - Verify SSL certificates from server. This should remain as false unless your ZENworks Linux Management server has a signed SSL certificate (generated or purchased). Defaults to 'False'.
retry-delay - The number of milliseconds to delay before retrying a download. Defaults value is '2000'.
rollback - Store more detailed transaction history, enabling rollback feature. Default value is "False."

Service Management Commands:

mount [options] [path]
Mounts a directory as a channel, adding all packages within the directory to the channel. The platform for the channel is assumed to be the same as the platform of the server.

refresh (ref) [service] ...
Refreshes the specified services. If no service is specified, all services are refreshed. You must add a service using the rug service-add command before you can refresh. Use rug service-list to view the current list of services. The service argument can be the service number from the service-list output.

register [<uri>|<number>|<name>] [key]
Registers the client against the specified server.

service-add (sa) [options] [uri]
Adds the specified server as a service. In most cases, the URI is the URL of your ZENworks Linux Management server, for example https://zlmserver. Accepts the following option flags:
-t, --type - Type of service, default is 'zenworks'. Use rug service-types to view the available services. ZENworks Linux Management 6.6.x servers need type 'rce'.
-d, --device-type - Type of device you are registering.
-k, --key - Registration key.

service-delete (sd) [uri|number|name] ...
Deletes the specified services.

service-list (sl)
Lists the available services.

service-types (st)
Lists the available service types.

System Commands:

ping [servername]
Pings the zlm process on the server. If no server is specified, the current server is pinged.

Restarts the ZLM daemon. Accepts the following option flags:
-f, --force - Force the shutdown.

schedules (sch)
Shows scheduled items.

shutdown [options]
Halts the ZLM daemon. Accepts the following option flags:
-f, --force - Force the shutdown.

User Management Commands:

user-add (ua) [username] [privilege] ...
Adds a new user with the specified username and privileges. The following privileges can be granted: 'install', 'lock', 'remove', 'subscribe', 'trusted', 'upgrade', 'view', 'superuser'. If you do not provide arguments, you are prompted for them. After the user is added, rug user-update is launched automatically. Use this tool to grant additional privileges or press Enter to exit.

user-delete (ud) [username] ...
Deletes the specified users.

user-edit (ue) [username]
Edits an existing user. This command is interactive: it first lists privileges, then offers you a prompt. Enter the plus (+) or minus (-) symbol and then the name of the privilege, then press Enter. For example, to permit the user to install software, you would type +install. To save and quit, press Enter on a blank line. The following privileges can be granted or revoked: 'install', 'lock', 'remove', 'subscribe', 'trusted', 'upgrade', 'view', 'superuser'.

user-list (ul)
List users.



The following options can be applied to any rug transaction:

Normal output (the default mode). This is somewhere between 'debug' and 'terse'.

Terse output.

Quiet output; prints only error messages.

Debug output, prints full exception traces.



Copyright 2005, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.  


zlman(1), zlmmirror(1)

