Changes cannot be activated from here. Reload NetExplorer to activate the changes in the following: changelist

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Management and Monitoring Services; NXPCON.NLM

Severity:  Informational

Explanation:  You have changed certain configuration parameters like the IP discovery scope, which require the NetExplorer system to be restarted. These changes cannot be updated within the NetExplorer system while the other modules are running.

Possible Cause:  You have made the changes to suboptions other than SNMP using Configuration Options.

Action:  You need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Stop NetExplorer.

    To stop NetExplorer, enter unxp at the Management server prompt.

  2. If sloader has been started, stop the Java discovery processes.

    To stop the Java discover processes, enter stopdis.

    Wait for all the Java discovery processes to stop.

  3. Start NetExplorer.

    To start NetExplorer, enter netxplor.

  4. Start the discovery processes.

    To start the discovery process, enter startdis .