2085: Unable to transfer the Inventory scanning results through the .STR file

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Server Inventory; Inventory Agent on Windows NT/2000 servers

Severity:  Critical

Possible Cause:  The Scan Collector is not running on the target Inventory server.

Action:  Ensure that the Scan Collector is running on the target Inventory server. For more information, see Understanding the Inventory Service Manager in Understanding the Server Inventory Components in the Administration guide.

Re-execute the Inventory Agent. For more information, see Immediately rescheduling the Inventory Agent by using the policy engine .

Possible Cause:  There is a problem with the network connections.

Action:  Check network support of the inventoried server and ensure that the required TCP/IP configuration is done.

Action:  Run the Inventory Agent in the debug mode and refer the Root_directory\INVSCAN\INVAGENTSTRTRANSFER.LOG file for details. Root_directory is the drive where Windows is installed.

Action:  If problem persists, see Troubleshooting Strategies .

  Previous Page: 2084: The Inventory scanning results have been successfully transferred through a .STR file  Next Page: 2086: An internal error occurred in the Inventory Agent's output handler execution