An error occurred while connecting to the remote FTP server

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Policy and Distribution Services; ConsoleOne® snap-in

Explanation:  When trying to create an FTP type of Distribution, ConsoleOne could not access the files on the specified FTP server.

Possible Cause:  You have provided an incorrect FTP address.

Action:  Double-check the FTP address where the files to distribute are located.

Possible Cause:  You have provided an incorrect user name or password for the FTP site.

Action:  Double-check the user name and password for the FTP site.

Possible Cause:  The FTP site is down.

Action:  Try to create the Distribution at another time.

Action:  Make sure that you can access the FTP site successfully outside of ConsoleOne before attempting to create a Distribution that gathers files from the FTP site.

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