Interface not found

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Management and Monitoring Services; Traffic Analysis

Explanation:  The management console is unable to find a particular interface on the server where the monitoring agent is loaded.

Possible Cause:  The LAN driver for the adapter related to this interface is not loaded.

Action:  If the LAN driver is not loaded, load it. You can use the Remote Console utility in the management console to access the server console session. Refer to the vendor documentation for information about what command to enter to load the driver.

Possible Cause:  The network board was removed from the server where the monitoring agent is loaded or exchanged for a new one.

Action:  If you removed or changed a network board, wait until NetExplorer completes its next cycle and NetExplorer Manager runs on the management console. NetExplorer will detect that a network board is removed or changed and update the ZfS database accordingly.

Possible Cause:  A new server is added to the network on which the monitoring agent is loaded, and it is assigned an IPX or IP address that has been used previously.

Action:  If you assigned a previously-used IP or IPX address to a new server, reassign an IP or IPX address that was not assigned previously and run NetExplorer and NetExplorer Manager.

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