MIBCERR142: Premature end of file encountered. HINT: Check for premature truncation of file (%s)

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Management and Monitoring Services; MIB Compiler

Explanation:  The end of the file was reached while the compilation was in an incomplete state. Each MIB source file contains one or more modules. Each module contains related object definitions. If the end of the file was found before the MIB Compiler finished compiling the current module, this error is generated.

The END keyword, which denotes the end of a MIB module, must be found before the end of the file occurs.

Possible Cause:  The file may be truncated or is incomplete.

Action:  Check that the MIB source file was not truncated or incomplete by checking the original version. If the file was downloaded from the Internet, it may be incomplete. You must download the file again.

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