MIBCERR106: Incorrect syntax: Expected ')', read

Source:  ZENworks for Servers; Management and Monitoring Services; MIB Compiler

Explanation:  The integer value should be enclosed in parentheses. The closing right parenthesis was not found.

Possible Cause:  Non-numerical or non-white-space characters (characters other than the white space characters such as tab or space) are present between the integer and the closing parentheses.

Possible Cause:  The closing parenthesis for the integer value is missing.

Possible Cause:  The value has non-numerical invalid characters inserted between digits.

Action:  Ensure that there are no non-white-space characters between the integer value and that the closing parenthesis is present.

Possible Cause:  Using the symbol "|" in the following statement, comprised of a number followed by a range of numbers, is not supported by the MIB Compiler:


However, it does parse a number followed by a number.

Action:  The Results window of the MIB Compiler points out occurrence of the error by extending the MIB file name and the line number. Open the specified MIB in an editor and rectify the error at the mentioned line number.

For the example above, you would replace the statement in the MIB with the following:


Remove the symbol "|" from the statement, save the changes, and compile the MIB.