33.6 Refreshing Device Inventory

Device inventory is broken down into three areas:

Inventory data is refreshed in three ways:

  1. At client (zmd) start up.

    • The device sends hardware and system information to the server where the device is registered.

    • A new software hash is calculated to check if there has been a change, for example, if a new package or bundle has been installed. If the hash has changed, the device sends the new software inventory to the server where the device is registered.

  2. When new software in installed on a client, that software inventory information will be sent to the server immediately.

  3. At a scheduled refresh, which refreshes data as described in the client start up above.

Device inventory is refreshed at start up and then every twenty-four hours by default. This schedule cannot be directly changed on the server side, but it can be changed on the client side using rug refresh-interval-hardware time_in_seconds, rug refresh-interval-software time_in_seconds, and rug refresh-interval-system time_in_seconds. If you want to change the inventory refresh schedule for multiple managed devices, you can use a Remote Execute policy. For more information, see Section 16.6, Remote Execute Policy.

IMPORTANT:The Device Refresh Schedule setting does not affect refresh inventory information.