25.6 Mirroring Bundles Between ZENworks Linux Management Servers Located in Different Management Zones

You can mirror bundles in a catalog from a remote primary ZENworks Linux Management server located in one management zone to a local primary ZENworks Linux Management server located in another management zone. The servers use the HTTPS protocol at TCP port 443 to communicate with each other. You can mirror RPM package bundles, patch bundles, file bundles, and DUP bundles from the remote ZENworks server to the local ZENworks server. When you mirror bundles from the remote server, only the version of the bundle that is currently deployed is mirrored to the local server. A new version of the bundle is created on the local server irrespective of the deployed version of the bundle on the remote server.

  1. Before registering to the remote server, delete the existing ZENworks service on the local server by entering the following command:

    Local-ZLM-Server# rug sd <URL_of_the_existing_ZLM_server>

  2. Register the local primary ZENworks Linux Management server to the remote primary ZENworks Linux Management server as a ZENworks service by entering the following command:

    Local-ZLM-Server# rug sa <URL_of_the_remote_ZLM_server>

    You are required to register the server only once, so that the local server updates its credentials to the remote server.

  3. Add the bundles that you want to mirror to a catalog on the remote server, and assign the catalog to the local Primary Server from the remote server.

  4. Assign the catalog on the remote server to the local server by using the Assign Catalog option in the ZENworks Control Center, or by entering the following command at the command line:

    zlman server-add-catalog

    For more information, see Section 22.3, Assigning Catalogs and the zlman (1) Novell.

  5. Create a mirror configuration file.

    For more information, see Creating the Configuration Files by using the Command Line Utility or Creating a Configuration File by Using the xzlmmirror Utility.

  6. In the <Remote Server> section, edit the following configuration elements:

    Configuration Element



    Path to the server you want to mirror



    DeviceID of the local server



    Secret of the local server



    Type of server you want to mirror


  7. In the <Local Server> section, edit the following configuration elements:

    Configuration Element



    Type of the local server you want mirrored



    User who uses administrator as the username to log in to the ZENworks Control Center.

    <User> administrator </User>


    Password for the account provided in the User element.


  8. In the <Catalog> section, edit the following configuration element:

    Configuration Element



    Name of the catalog you want to mirror from the remote server.


NOTE:While mirroring YOU patch bundles from a remote server in one management zone to a primary local server in another zone, packages for the target oes-9-i586 are added to the patch bundle on the local ZENworks Linux Management server, although the patch bundles contain packages only for target sles-9-i586.

While mirroring the YaST patches for SLES 9 platforms from the YOU repository and OES 1 platforms from the RCE repository, you must mirror the patch bundles for 32-bit target and 64-bit target to separate folders on the ZENworks Linux Management server. This is because the patches for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms are hosted in two different channels in the repository. The mirroring process skips the YOU patch bundle download or update if a bundle with the same name already exists in the folder path on the server.