37.5 Using the Hot List

When a device, policy, or bundle has been identified as having a critical or warning event (non-system) that has not been acknowledged or cleared, it is displayed in the Hot List. You can use this list as a summary of problems that need attention. Events on the Hot List are ordered by severity: first are those devices, policies, or bundles with critical events, then those with warning events. Those with the most problems are listed first. With the Hot List, you can see at a glance which device, policy, or bundle needs the most attention.

Figure 37-1 Summary Page and Hot List

Summary page and Hot List

To view the Hot List, click Home on the toolbar. This page shows the System Summary and the Hot List. The System Summary page shows the various categories—servers, workstations, policies, and bundles—and their respective status counts. In this example, there are four policies and none have had a warning or critical event; one server that has not had any warning or critical events; and seven bundles that haven’t had any warnings or critical events. In the workstation category, one workstation has had at least one critical event. You can click the workstation name to view a summary, which includes details of the problem events.