6.23 Managing Policy Versions

The Displayed Version option on the policy’s page lists all existing versions of the policy, and the latest version of the policy is selected by default. However, if a sandbox exists, the sandbox is selected by default.

For more information on the policy versions, see Section 6.22, Understanding Policy Versions.

Select the version of the policy whose details you want to view or edit.



Additional Details

Create a sandbox from the published version of the policy

  1. Select the published version of the policy.

  2. Edit the policy.

A single modification made to the policy creates a sandbox. The created sandbox is a copy of the policy and also includes the additional edit. However, the change is not made to the published version of the policy.

Changes can now be made to the sandbox.

You can revert a sandbox to the original version of the policy or publish a sandbox to create a new version or a new policy.

Create a sandbox from an older version of the policy

  1. Select an older version of the policy.

  2. Click Create sandbox.

The created sandbox is an exact copy of the policy.

Changes can now be made to the sandbox.

Publish a sandbox

  1. Select sandbox.

  2. Click Publish to display the Publish Option page.

The sandbox must be published for the changes to be effective on the devices and users to whom the policy is assigned.

Revert a sandbox

  1. Select sandbox.

  2. Click Revert to delete the sandbox.

All the changes made are discarded. The sandbox no longer exists.

The published version of the policy is displayed in the Displayed Version option.

Delete an older version of the policy

  1. Select an older version of the policy.

  2. Click Delete Selected Version.

To delete all older versions of a policy or delete all versions older than a particular version, click Delete Older Versions under the Policy Tasks list located in the ZENworks Control Center left navigation pane.