4.10 Tell AdminP Commands

When the driver issues a request to the Domino AdminP process, these requests are delayed until the AdminP process completes them. (Refer to Notes documentation for information about administration processing intervals.)

If desired, you can attach a < tell-adminp-process> attribute to an event. If the event contains AdminP tasks that need to be performed, the command you specify is sent to the Domino server console. The attribute is described in Domino Console Command in Section 4.5, Custom Driver Parameters.

For example, when sending a Move user event, you could include the following attribute on the move event:

tell-adminp-process="tell adminp process new"

This example command causes the driver to request the AdminP process to process all the new tasks, which would include the move that was requested in that event.

To use tell-adminp-process commands:

  1. Make sure you are using Notes 6.0.3 or later.

  2. Make sure you have turned on support for the AdminP process, by adding the following parameter to the Subscriber Options in the driver parameters:

    <allow-adminp-support display-name=“Allow Domino AdminP Support”>True</allow-adminp-support>

    See Allow Domino AdminP Support in Section 4.4.2, Subscriber Options.

  3. Make sure the Notes user for the driver has rights to send commands to the Domino server console.

  4. Make sure that the event contains AdminP tasks.

    The tell-adminp-process command is sent only if AdminP tasks need to be performed as part of the event.

  5. Use the correct syntax.

    Samples of using tell-adminp-process commands are included in Section B.0, Samples for New Features.

  6. To find out whether the AdminP request was completed successfully, use Lotus Notes tools such as the Domino Administrator.

    Completion of a command by the Notes driver shim involving an AdminP request does not mean that the command has been successfully completed. It means only that the request has been made to AdminP.

    For example, the driver might successfully make a request to AdminP to move a user. However, if incorrect certifiers were specified in the event, the move would fail when the AdminP process attempts it.