Returns a list of valid, unambiguous (unique) addresses.
ANSISTRING AddressBookResolve(ANSISTRING Addresses; ENUM RemoveAmbiguousAddresses; ENUM RemoveInvalidAddresses; [ANSISTRING UserID])
Separate addresses with commas and enclose in double quotation marks.
Specifies what to do with ambiguous addresses as follows:
160 |
Fail! Causes the command to fail if there are ambiguous addresses. |
201 |
Prompt! Displays a dialog box where the user selects an address to include. |
1 |
Yes! Removes all ambiguous addresses. |
Specifies what to do with invalid addresses as follows:
160 |
Fail! Causes the command to fail if there are invalid addresses. |
201 |
Prompt! Displays a dialog box where the user removes invalid addresses from the address list. |
1 |
Yes! Removes all invalid addresses. |
(Optional) User ID of the mailbox that contains the Address Book information. Use this information to search in a proxy mailbox.
FullAddressText Domain.PostOffice.UserID of valid and unique addresses.