Creates a folder to display the results of the specified query when the folder is opened.
VOID QuerySaveAsFolder( ANSISTRING FolderName; ANSISTRING FolderDesc; WORD FolderPosition; [BOOLEAN InvokeOnOpen]; [ANSISTRING QuickFinderQuery]; [DWORD Filter]; [ENUM WhereToSearch]; [ENUM OfficialVersion]; [ANSISTRING Libraries]; [ANSISTRING FullUserId]; [DWORD FolderListHandle])
The full FolderName path. For example, User's Full Name\Cabinet\FolderName.
A description of the folder.
The position the folder will be created in folderlist. 0 is in the first postion under the folder specified. For example, User's Full Name\Cabinet\FolderName would place the folder as the first folder under the Cabinet folder.
Separates multiple libraries by a comma. In the form: Library.PostOffice.Domain. (Optional)
Selects all Folders in the user's account. This parameter, or the FolderListHandle parameter, is required if you wish to search in any of the accounts folders for items. If you use this parameter, do not use the FolderListHandle parameter. (Optional)
A list of a single or multiple folders. If you use this folder, do not use the FullUserID parameter. (Optional)
The Find Results window must be showing for this token to work.