16.6 Upgrading the GroupWise Web Image

To update the image to the latest version, you simply need to stop the image and start a new instance with the latest code:

  • To stop and remove the old image, run the following commands:

    docker stop gwweb
    docker rm gwweb
  • Run the following command to pull down the latest webacc-ng image:

    docker pull mfgroupwise/web
  • Re-run the Docker run command that you used in Downloading and Running the GroupWise Web Image to use the same web-config file and certificates.

NOTE:If you have a need to change to an older version GroupWise Web, you can follow a similar process as long as you know the version that you want when downloading and running the GroupWise Web image. In this scenario, we recommend that you also run the GroupWise Web Configuration Utility for the same version after running the Web Image.